
A mobile application created to allow users to document their daily mood, focus for the day, and to promote health and wellness.

Role: UX Designer, UX Researcher

Tools: Figma, Google Surveys

Organization: Design at UCI, Project Teams

Team Members: Jorina Chen, Mingjia Wang, Brian Thai, Nasreen Obeid, and Justin Banh

Duration: 8 weeks

Prototype: Prototype created through Figma. View a larger version of the mobile prototype here.

Titled "Brainstorming and Ideation." Includes descriptions for brainstorming, conclusion, and why.
Titled "Problem Statement" and a description of the problem statement.
Titled "Competitive Analysis and Research Methodology." Includes a description for competitive analysis and methodology.
Titled "Survey and Interview Findings." Displays the findings of a desire of users to manage or quantify stress and find mood patterns, users interests in a mood tracker, having a colorful and minimalistic UI, and users wanting daily mood charts.
Titled "Daimo: The Features." Includes the features of Daimo such as review data, add details, input mood, and schedule events.
Titled "User Personas." Includes the user personas of two users, such as their names, ages, frustrations, priorities, and goals.
Titled "Low-Fidelity Wireframes." Illustrates the main screens of Daimo.
Titled "Branding Guidelines." Displays the branding guidelines of Daimo including the font used and interface colors.
Titled "Sign in Create Account." Shows four iPhone mockup screens of the sign in and create account pages of Daimo.
Titled "User Daily Assessment." Displays one potential flow to how a user will be able to fill in the daily assessment.
Titled "Calendar Day View." Includes three iPhone mockups of a calendar month view and two different day views.
Titled "User Profile Settings." Includes two iPhone mockup screens of the user profile screen and settings screen.
Titled "Usability Testing." Includes the how, who, and why of usability testing.
Titled "Post Usability Test: Format and Appearance." Includes two iPhone mockup screens to show the corrections made to the formatting and appearance post usability testing.
Titled "Post Usability Test: Ordering of Pages." Includes two iPhone mockup screens to show the change made to the ordering of pages post usability test.
Titled "Key Takeaways." Includes the three challenges encountered: communication, settling disagreements, and member availability and the solution.
Thank you page displaying the sources used for Daimo.